Valorising cultural heritage and fostering sustainable tourism by LIVING the common heritage on the DANUBE LIMES as basis for a Cultural Route
Beneficiary: INTERREG Danube transnational programme. Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration - Directorate General for European Territorial Cooperation
Period: 2020-2022
Project leader (UAUIM): AnaMaria Machedon
Coordinating partner: University for Continuing Education Krems, Danube University Krems, Austria
Project partners: Universitatea Friedrich-Alexander din Erlangen - Germania, Universitatea Paris-Lodron din Salzburg - Austria, Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism "Ion Mincu" București - România, Clusterul Național de Turism "Ghidul bulgar" - Bulgaria, Universitatea de Tehnologie și Economie din Budapesta - Ungaria, DAVINO Furnizor, Turism, Dezvoltare Regională și Parteneriat Educațional în Comandită Limitată - Ungaria, Institutul de Mecanică Teoretică și Aplicată, Academia Cehă de Științe - Republica Cehă, Institutul Municipal de Conservare a Monumentelor din Bratislava - Slovacia, Universitatea Slovacă de Tehnologie din Bratislava - Slovacia, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology - Austria, Centrul de interpretare a patrimoniului - Bulgaria, Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie Constanța - România, Asociația Municipiilor riverane Dunării "Dunărea" - Bulgaria, Institutul de Arheologie al Republicii Croația - Croația, Institutul Național de Cercetare și Dezvoltare în Turism - România, Institutul de Arheologie Belgrad - Serbia, Universitatea din Novi Sad, Facultatea de Științe Tehnice - Serbia, Consiliul Raional Orhei - Republica Moldova.
Short description
The main objective of the project is to connect the Danube region through Roman heritage. The project supports heritage conservation through awareness of its value, respecting local diversity and specificity, as the Danube Limes is not only a defensive border but also a vast trade area. The project supports the nomination of the entire Danube Limes to the UNESCO World Heritage List, focusing on the nomination process in Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria. Another objective is to create the basis for a future European Cultural Route that will cross the entire Danube Region. Supporting green and sustainable tourism through strategies specifically designed for the Danube Limes region is another important objective of the project.
- "A Roman galley from the 4th century AD was built, using specific Roman tools. During the project, the craft sailed along the Danube in 2022, with an international crew on board, highlighting the binding character of the Danube Limes. At the end of the project, the craft will be made available to each pilot site for a period of one year, as a point of attraction and motivation for future investment on the pilot site.
- " by applying non-invasive measurement technologies, the missing data for the pilot site were completed.
- " the Living Danube Limes application was created to provide access to the archaeological and historical catalogue of the Danube region, which includes information from older studies as well as new data resulting from the research activity during the Project.
- "Through "Virtual" and "Augmented Reality" the original infrastructure of the Danube Limes was reconstructed from the information obtained through the surveys of the pious sites, and these were included in the Living Danube Limes application.
- " A transnational "Cluster" of museums supporting the presentation of the Roman heritage of the Danube region has been organised to enable a better visibility and understanding of the extent and importance of the historic landscape as a linking element.
- " The project popularizes the Roman past and the possibility to make it tangible, establishing 8 national pilot sites with public activities such as historical events, historical crafts workshops. The physical reconstruction on the pilot sites complements the virtual reconstruction and aims to develop interest and future projects and investments.
- " Workshops have been organised and documented to disseminate historical crafts and techniques.
- " "Living-history" cruises from Germany to the Black Sea were conducted, with international groups sailing the reconstructed Roman ship. The boat and its crew stopped at each pilot site to participate in living history festivals, which allowed for extensive interaction with the public.
- "The conversion of the former kindergarten in Rasova into a Museum of History, Archaeology and Ethnography was completed.
- " A catalogue of non-invasive and reversible interventions for archaeological sites was produced to increase visibility.